For Part 1 see SAMD21 using SPI
We already saw how to initiate SPI communication between a Pi and a SAMD21 (e.g. Adafruit Feather M0). Initially we had some issues using Python and that is why we used C++ instead. But this example also works very well.
""" J.A. Korten March 10, 2018 Modified based on code by joan """ #!/usr/bin/env python # # 2016-03-18 # Public Domain import time import pigpio # pi = pigpio.pi() if not pi.connected: exit(0) h = pi.spi_open(0, 40000) stop = time.time() + 120.0 n = 0 while time.time() < stop: n += 1 pi.spi_xfer(h, "Hello Arduino {}\n".format(n)) time.sleep(1) pi.spi_close(h) pi.stop()
Now the only thing left is doing the reverse: sending text from the Arduino (SAMD21) to the Raspberry Pi. Some inspiration (for now):
Note: this is not yet tried for the SAMD21 and still in C++ for the Raspberry Pi side where I would prefer it to be Python there.
See also:
To finish things off Part 3: Bi-directional communication between a Pi and a SAMD21.